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It's been seven years since the last post. Back then, I thought North America was going to hell in a handbasket. Little did I know what was to come. Looking back, I long for the days when heating oil in a basement was the worst of my worries when it came to the stupidity of humanity. These days, I can't even read the news without getting anxious, stressed out, and just plain pissed off. So SYPH and GH is being revived. I couldn't care less if anyone reads this or not. It's more of a venting outlet than anything. Opinions that were strong when this all started are even stronger. The divide between the right and the left is even wider. My commentary will likely be even more colourful. If you don't like it, well, you can just shut your pie hole and go home.
Recent posts

The Separation of Church and State... er... Football?

High School Player Flagged For Touchdown Nod to God It's been a while since our last entry and for that, I apologise. It has not been for lack of atrocities in the news, but more of a lack of time to comment on them all. This article hit me first thing this morning and I couldn't let it slide. Now, I'm not American, nor do I aspire to be, but when something like this happens so close to home, I can't help but be affected. I'm a football fan. I bleed green for my Riders. I for one like to see some action after a touchdown. Nothing ostentatious, but if a player wants to do a backflip after scoring, be my guest! Is that also unsportsmanlike conduct? What about a chest bump? Jumping up and encouraging the fans to make some noise? I question whether or not the ref would have made the same call had the player been Muslim, Buddhist or Sikh. What is unsportsmanlike about a guy giving honour where honour is due? Players given nods to their team mates, fans, families al...

English or French - take your pick

Canada has two official languages. Two. Period. English or French - take your pick. Not Mandarin or Cantonese, not Punjab, or German, or Spanish, or Russian. If you want to live here for any length of time, please learn and develop a working knowledge of at least one of our languages. And if you've chosen to live in western Canada, that language would be English. Today, a young family came into my place of business to ask for directions. No one in this family could speak enough English to make themselves understood, and it was only through catching the odd word and figuring out some gestures that I finally got what they were trying to say. These people were not tourists (if they had been, I would have sympathized with their plight). They were asking for the auto insurance business that used to occupy the space where my business now resides. This means they've been in Canada long enough to have a driver's license and an insured vehicle. And since they were carrying the tel...

Aah... The sweet smell of justification.

This is the proof in the pudding regarding our earlier post today referencing a request to respect protesters. My personal favourite is photo number 13, but I don't know what the Chaotic Insurrection Orchestra  has to do with G8 meetings. As for #12, not every protest is a reason to light a joint. I love that I don't even have to make a point.  These people have made it for me and on day one, no less. Thank you, protesters, thank you.

G8 - Ain't it great?

  Obama arrives for G8 I'm somewhat saddened by the fact that Obama's arrival in Toronto made front page news.  What about the other world leaders?  I know what other countries are being represented next week, but I don't know who has arrived.  I personally don't think Obama is that big of a deal. It's not really the article that got me going this morning.  It was the idiotic comment by someone who makes me ashamed to be Canadian.  I'm proud that these meeting are being hosted on Canadian soil, but for once, I wish there could be peace. StanJohnston wrote, " Since when has it become ok for Canada not to respect protesters or the idea that their are many valid opinions? We are becoming more and more like the US every day and it's a terrible thing for Canada to become." Okay to not respect protesters? You have got to be kidding me, right?  Respect protesters ?  The same protesters who created a situation so dangerous a disabled kid could...

It's about time for a little global recognition.

G-20 Nations Should Look to Canada for How to Build a Better Economy I can't even begin to describe how proud I am to be Canadian after reading this article.  Not to mention the fact that it was written by Americans. I was pleased to see Stephen Harper shown in a good light.  The gentlemen who wrote the article seem to have more respect for our Prime Minister than many Canadians. Despite the rantings of so many Canadians, it's been proven that Canada is indeed recovering faster than the majority of countries around the world. If you're not proud of that, you can shut your pie hole and go home.

I Don't Get It I don't get it. We have $1.8 billion to spend on prisons, but we're closing schools and decreasing days in the school year due to budget restraints. Isn't this how a vicious circle begins?