Obama arrives for G8
I'm somewhat saddened by the fact that Obama's arrival in Toronto made front page news. What about the other world leaders? I know what other countries are being represented next week, but I don't know who has arrived. I personally don't think Obama is that big of a deal.
It's not really the article that got me going this morning. It was the idiotic comment by someone who makes me ashamed to be Canadian. I'm proud that these meeting are being hosted on Canadian soil, but for once, I wish there could be peace.
StanJohnston wrote, "Since when has it become ok for Canada not to respect protesters or the idea that their are many valid opinions? We are becoming more and more like the US every day and it's a terrible thing for Canada to become."
Okay to not respect protesters? You have got to be kidding me, right? Respect protesters? The same protesters who created a situation so dangerous a disabled kid couldn't fulfill his dream of running the Olympic torch? The protesters who continually block traffic, get violent and yell a bunch of nonsense at passersby?
David Heap, a University of Western Ontario professor and spokesperson for People for Peace said, “I think protesting the summits is an important right that people have,”
And do not our global leaders have as much right to peaceful meetings? What on earth are you protesting anyway? These people are looking to improve standards for many issues that plague the world. You're protesting improvement? I'm starting to think I should get out to Toronto to protest the protesters.
I have no respect for people who cannot see past their own petty agendas and look at the bigger picture. I have no respect for people who cannot give the honour due to our political leaders. Whether you like them or not, their position deserves respect.
I respect valid opinions, but not when they are presented in a protest. Write it down, publish it, blog it, read it, sing it. I don't really care how you do it, but if you need to hold a protest to do it, I'd rather you shut your pie hole and go home.
I'm somewhat saddened by the fact that Obama's arrival in Toronto made front page news. What about the other world leaders? I know what other countries are being represented next week, but I don't know who has arrived. I personally don't think Obama is that big of a deal.
It's not really the article that got me going this morning. It was the idiotic comment by someone who makes me ashamed to be Canadian. I'm proud that these meeting are being hosted on Canadian soil, but for once, I wish there could be peace.
StanJohnston wrote, "Since when has it become ok for Canada not to respect protesters or the idea that their are many valid opinions? We are becoming more and more like the US every day and it's a terrible thing for Canada to become."
Okay to not respect protesters? You have got to be kidding me, right? Respect protesters? The same protesters who created a situation so dangerous a disabled kid couldn't fulfill his dream of running the Olympic torch? The protesters who continually block traffic, get violent and yell a bunch of nonsense at passersby?
David Heap, a University of Western Ontario professor and spokesperson for People for Peace said, “I think protesting the summits is an important right that people have,”
And do not our global leaders have as much right to peaceful meetings? What on earth are you protesting anyway? These people are looking to improve standards for many issues that plague the world. You're protesting improvement? I'm starting to think I should get out to Toronto to protest the protesters.
I have no respect for people who cannot see past their own petty agendas and look at the bigger picture. I have no respect for people who cannot give the honour due to our political leaders. Whether you like them or not, their position deserves respect.
I respect valid opinions, but not when they are presented in a protest. Write it down, publish it, blog it, read it, sing it. I don't really care how you do it, but if you need to hold a protest to do it, I'd rather you shut your pie hole and go home.
I totally agree. This blog speaks truth and the ones who don't think so can SYPH and GH!