Gay Tourists not Market Niche, Report Suggests First of all, I didn't even know that there was a Gay Tourism Association. Does Canada need one of those? I think there are already plenty of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people in our fair nation (105 out of about 2200 surveyed - 4.77% for the math geeks out there - I didn't realize there were THAT many, either). Second of all, do we really need to hype up our national treasures to make them more appealing to gay people? Frankly, I'd rather have fewer people of the GLBT group out and about in the hot vacation spots. What are good Christian parents supposed to tell their kids when they see two men snuggling on a bench at Niagra, or two women groping each other in Banff National Park? Apparently nothing is sacred anymore. While I'm not going to tell gays and lesbians that they are wrong, I believe that freedom of speech allows me to say that I do not appreciate public displays of affection betwee...
For the ultra-conservative Canadian tired of uneducated liberal soap-boxers who have nothing better to do with their time than run their mouths off about something they know nothing about. For true Canadians whose families have built this country by the sweat of their brow for generations. Conservative Canadians Unite! Speak out! Liberals - shut your pie hole! See Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms at Welcome to our soap box.