Russian Skaters' Aborigine Theme Causes Outcry It is my firm belief that any and every situation is now cause for an outcry. You missed the bus - cry out - it's transit's fault for not knowing you intended on catching that bus! The dog ran away - cry out - it's the SPCA's fault for not adopting out pets that love their owners enough! You got a hangnail - cry out - it's skin care companies' fault for not warning that a lack of use of moisturizer can lead to hangnails! Bad hair day - cry out! Car won't start - cry out! It's not your fault! Nothing is ever your fault and it is your RIGHT to make a stink about it! In case you, reader, believe I'm serious, I'm not. But, seriously, it takes some talent to keep coming up with new things to cause a ruckus over. Most everything has already been outcried. After reading only the headline of the above article, I was fully prepared to shake a fist at the Russians, but after seeing the first...
For the ultra-conservative Canadian tired of uneducated liberal soap-boxers who have nothing better to do with their time than run their mouths off about something they know nothing about. For true Canadians whose families have built this country by the sweat of their brow for generations. Conservative Canadians Unite! Speak out! Liberals - shut your pie hole! See Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms at Welcome to our soap box.