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You have got to be kidding...

CBC News - Nfld. & Labrador - St. John's man fined for not driving car

I don't know which part of this story is more idiotic. That the neighbours complained about a car parked in a driveway, or that the city actually fined the guy for it. Unbelievable. Yet another great example of your tax dollars at work.

There's a new cell phone ban in place in BC while driving. I pass multiple people every day on my way to and from work who are happily chatting away on their phones. Do the police pull them over? Of course not. They're too busy looking, apparently, for things like cars parked in driveways!

Is Newfoundland really that uneventful? I've never been (but plan to visit the east coast of our great nation sometime!!) and I can't imagine that this is the extent of their "crimes" and bylaw infractions. If it is, maybe I should consider relocating?  If that's all you have to complain about, maybe you should just SYPH.  If you're going to be snoopy neighbours, at least complain about something that's truly causing harm to the area.


  1. I saw this article and wondered if anyone on here was going to mention it. Apparently the fair people of Newfoundland have nothing better to do with their time. Look on the bright side - they're actually enforcing laws!


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