I represent the Ministry of Religious Affairs for SYPH and GH. I am proud to be a Canadian, born and bred in a country that was founded on Christian values and godly principles. Something has happened to those values and principles in the 142 years since Confederation, however. Instead of embracing our Bible-based heritage, Canadians have come to view Christianity as old-fashioned and irrelevant. Prayer has been removed from schools. Christian literature has been banned. As a matter of fact, any reference to God or to Jesus Christ outside Christian organizations (except as profanities, of course) is considered out of line. Yet immigrants from around the world bring their religions to Canada and they are encouraged to practice the customs of their "faith" as they please.
An RCMP officer can now wear a turban if it is a requirement of his religion. Oh give me a break! This makes a mockery of one of our country's oldest traditions and most recognizable uniforms in the world.
Employers are required to allow employees to attend religious ceremonies when the Dalai Lama or Aga Khan are in town - paid time off! But if a Christian were to make a similar request to attend a Christian event, the answer would be a flat NO. I once made mention to my manager that I would be participating in a week-long event at my church - an event that took place in the evenings after my work day was done - and the manager strongly disapproved, commenting that my work had better not suffer as a result.
I could go on, but I think you catch my drift. Canada used to be a Christian nation. I'm not sure what it is now. But there are people who will have to answer for their actions one day - people who have allowed our country to become so concerned about being politically correct that they have no idea of right and wrong anymore.
All I can do is echo the words of our national anthem - "God keep our land glorious and free."
An RCMP officer can now wear a turban if it is a requirement of his religion. Oh give me a break! This makes a mockery of one of our country's oldest traditions and most recognizable uniforms in the world.
Employers are required to allow employees to attend religious ceremonies when the Dalai Lama or Aga Khan are in town - paid time off! But if a Christian were to make a similar request to attend a Christian event, the answer would be a flat NO. I once made mention to my manager that I would be participating in a week-long event at my church - an event that took place in the evenings after my work day was done - and the manager strongly disapproved, commenting that my work had better not suffer as a result.
I could go on, but I think you catch my drift. Canada used to be a Christian nation. I'm not sure what it is now. But there are people who will have to answer for their actions one day - people who have allowed our country to become so concerned about being politically correct that they have no idea of right and wrong anymore.
All I can do is echo the words of our national anthem - "God keep our land glorious and free."
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