Let me get something across to all you readers out there. If a Christian artist "comes out", their album sales are going to be affected, end of story. I have long been a fan of Jennifer Knapp. I remember seeing her in concert more than 10 years ago - she was on stage sitting on a bar stool just her and her guitar. It was incredible. She has an amazing voice, and is incredibly talented. Will I allow my son to listen to her music? No. The fact of the matter is... the words "lesbian" and "Christian" do not coincide. I'm not necessarily saying that homosexuals cannot be saved and cannot be Christians. This is not what I mean. But when someone out there is promoting themselves as a homosexual Christian artist, I'm not going to be a fan, nor will I allow it into my home. I imagine the majority of conservative Christians feel t...
For the ultra-conservative Canadian tired of uneducated liberal soap-boxers who have nothing better to do with their time than run their mouths off about something they know nothing about. For true Canadians whose families have built this country by the sweat of their brow for generations. Conservative Canadians Unite! Speak out! Liberals - shut your pie hole! See Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms at Welcome to our soap box.