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National Day of Prayer goes on despite ruling

"America was birthed in prayer and founded on the God of the Bible, on his biblical principles and on his moral values," Day of Prayer organizer Shirley Dobson said.

Thank God for people who still have faith and morals!  God bless Shirley Dobson and Rev. Franklin Graham.  Even though the US Army rescinded its invitation to Rev. Graham, I am beyond overjoyed that he refused to back down or apologize for his comments against Islam.

Why is it that Muslims can speak out against Christianity and it's call free speech, but when Christians speak out against Muslims, it's called hate speech?

It saddens me that the President of the United States does not see the importance of participating in the National Day of Prayer.  Presidents before Obama took seriously counsel from various Christian leaders within the country.  I may not be American, but as Canadians, we feel strongy the effects of our southern neighbour.

"In ruling that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional, Crabb wrote its 'sole purpose is to encourage all citizens to engage in prayer, an inherently religious exercise that serves no secular function.'"  Duh.  It's called a National Day of Prayer for a reason.  It has nothing to do with anything secular!  Talk about ignorance - and this comment came from a judge!  Of course, he was the judge that ruled against the Day of Prayer.  I'd feel downright ashamed of myself as a judge if I ruled against a bill signed by a former president.

I agree with Mrs Dobson in that the USA (and Canada) was birthed in prayer and founded on the God of the Bible, on his biblical principles and on his moral values.  This is the foundation of the country.  You cannot remove a cornerstone of a building and expect it to stand.  While I will not stand and laugh as a great nation falls, I will shake my head at the ignorance of its leadership when it crumbles.

I don't believe for one minute that we, as Canadians, are exempt, either.  In fact, we could be closer to the wrecking ball than the US.  It's a slippery slope and we are on our way down.  Renewed faith in the God our nation was founded on is our only hope now.


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