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YES! Your Album Sales WILL be Affected!

Let me get something across to all you readers out there. If a Christian artist "comes out", their album sales are going to be affected, end of story.

I have long been a fan of Jennifer Knapp. I remember seeing her in concert more than 10 years ago - she was on stage sitting on a bar stool just her and her guitar. It was incredible. She has an amazing voice, and is incredibly talented. Will I allow my son to listen to her music? No.

The fact of the matter is... the words "lesbian" and "Christian" do not coincide. I'm not necessarily saying that homosexuals cannot be saved and cannot be Christians. This is not what I mean. But when someone out there is promoting themselves as a homosexual Christian artist, I'm not going to be a fan, nor will I allow it into my home.

I imagine the majority of conservative Christians feel the same as I do - it's just not right. So will her album sales be affected? ABSOLUTELY! She is an unknown in the secular world, and in the Christian world, she's not going to sell. There might be a few former fans who purchase her album based purely on the scandal, or they haven't heard the news, or they just really like her music. But overall, this is not going to be a good thing for Jennifer Knapp.

Like I said before... Christian and Lesbian do not go hand-in-hand, according to the large majority of Christians, and well... the Bible!

I was devastated to hear this news... and am still devastated. But what is more devastating than the news, is her attitude about it. She is not repentant, she does not think that she has done anything wrong, or is doing anything wrong. She thinks that this is just fine. IT IS NOT JUST FINE!

That's all I have to say about that.


  1. I agree! I was wondering not that long ago what happened to Jennifer Knapp. Well, now we know. Gotta wonder why it took her 7 years to "come out" when she's been in a same-sex relationship for 8. Could it be that she was more than a little ashamed and knew perfectly well how the Christian community would respond?


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