I tried to apply for a job once. I was told that since I didn't speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Punjabi, or a Filipino dialect, I need not apply. I wasn't going to be an "asset to the team." This job was in Canada. I am a fifth generation Canadian, and I can't apply for jobs in my own country because I speak our official languages. I've seen a massive increase in signs around my city that are written in a language I don't understand. I've been treated poorly in retail stores that were not meant for English speaking Caucasians to shop at. I'm all for equality and diversity and fairness. I really am. I have no trouble with people coming to our country to have a better life. But why, why, why can these same people not take the time to learn the language and customs of their new country. I wouldn't dream of trying to move to China/India/France/Russia/Germany, etc without being able to passably speak their language. I woul...
For the ultra-conservative Canadian tired of uneducated liberal soap-boxers who have nothing better to do with their time than run their mouths off about something they know nothing about. For true Canadians whose families have built this country by the sweat of their brow for generations. Conservative Canadians Unite! Speak out! Liberals - shut your pie hole! See Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms at http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/charter/ Welcome to our soap box.