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Showing posts from November, 2009


I tried to apply for a job once.  I was told that since I didn't speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Punjabi, or a Filipino dialect, I need not apply.  I wasn't going to be an "asset to the team."  This job was in Canada.  I am a fifth generation Canadian, and I can't apply for jobs in my own country because I speak our official languages.  I've seen a massive increase in signs around my city that are written in a language I don't understand.  I've been treated poorly in retail stores that were not meant for English speaking Caucasians to shop at. I'm all for equality and diversity and fairness.  I really am.  I have no trouble with people coming to our country to have a better life.  But why, why, why can these same people not take the time to learn the language and customs of their new country.  I wouldn't dream of trying to move to China/India/France/Russia/Germany, etc without being able to passably speak their language.  I woul...

Parents against homework!?!

CBC News - Consumer Life - Calgary family negotiates homework ban Interesting article. I have half a mind to agree with the parents in this article. Homework has become just a thing to do, and it does seem sometimes like the teachers are giving it just because. However, I think that class time should be used to teach. My tax dollars aren't being well spent if my child is just in a classroom working by themselves. I expect that my child is being taught, talked to, nurtured. I think that some of their actual schoolwork should be sent home. And parents should be letting them do it. Helping is one thing, doing it for them is another. I've seen far too many educated kids go out into the real world having no idea how to self-motivate. They are waiting for someone to tell them exactly what to do, and how to do it. I think that homework is an integral part of building this ability in kids. So parents - make your kids do their homework. Help them if they need it, but they...

Saskatchewan Candidates . . . Criminal Past?

I just read an article on that opens: "Candidates running for office in northern Saskatchewan's municipalities might soon have to reveal their criminal records to the public under a bill introduced by the government on Monday."  See Ya think? I am actually speechless, which is not a common occurrence. There was a day - I think - when Canadians looked to their government as an example of fairness, integrity, and a sense of do-the-right-thing-for-our-country.  Granted, there always have been those politicians who are in it for the power, and perhaps looking for an avenue for some shady business dealings, but for the most part these are supposed to be men and women we look up to.  People we trust. But we have to draw the line somewhere. I must admit that I got more than a little bothered when this article went on to say that a candidate with a criminal record would not be disqual...

Intelligent Protesters - Do they really exist?

I know that we've been going on and on about H1N1 and the Olympics, but since that's pretty much all that's in the news these days, there has been little choice.  (Help us out Canada and complain about something new so we can tell you what we really think about it.)  I was mighty pleased, though, when I read the following: "I despise Campbell, but the money's been spent and the debt's incurred. The only way we cut the debt is with a successful Olympics. They're not going to go away. Wishing for failure is the stupidest, blindest, partisan politics imagineable. Failure will just cost the province more." That's fine if you don't want the Olympics, but at least this person has accepted the inevitable with dignity.  However, I do wonder where the fuel for this comment came from as it was discovered under an article about the storms presently battering southern British Columbia...  (thinking... thinking...)  Perhaps some intelligence has be...

I'm not alone!

CBC News - Canada - Canadians think H1N1 risks exaggerated: poll Although the media has made this H1N1 thing out to be the plague, apparently most Canadians agree with me that it's not as bad as they're making it out to be. I read an article on this morning as well that said there have been 22,000,000 cases of H1N1 in the USA alone since April. And how many deaths? Not so many. I don't know about you, but I am pretty sick of the media blowing things out of proportion. Is the virus dangerous? Yes, I won't argue that point. Is it going to be the end of mankind? I don't think so, but many media outlets are giving that impression. I wish that the media would start reporting more good news for a change, instead of making bad news into worse news. In recent weeks, the old question of "how are you today?" has been replaced with "are you getting the shot?" It makes me want to scream! No one asked me last year if I was gettin...

Airport Security . . . or is it?

Hats off to Justina - a member of the security team at the Calgary International Airport.  I had the privilege of meeting her this week, and I must say that she made pretty darn sure she followed every single rule in the book, and then some, when it was my turn to pass through her little kingdom. Too bad other security officers don't do the same. Justina confiscated my half-used tube of expensive hand cream, and my nearly empty jar of Vicks Vapo Rub.  When I indicated my ticked-offedness, she proceeded to search my carry-on bag and my purse as if she were looking for gold.  She was rude, unprofessional, refused to answer my questions, and I think she was disappointed that she did not find anything in my bags other than the usual female stuff. I felt totally violated. Now don't misunderstand.  I am not in disagreement with Transport Canada's rules and regulations when it comes to what can or cannot be taken on board an aircraft.  But, I have traveled throug...

Will the nonsense never end? Here we go again, yet ANOTHER Olympic related article.  I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but Canada, you never cease to amaze me. The Vancouver police have  new little toy.  One that can be used as a non-lethal weapon if need be.  Who cares?  They pack guns on a daily basis.  Now THOSE are lethal.  It's not like they're all going to be carrying around this 40 kilogram piece of equipment all the time.  And really, should a crowd merrit the use of this thing, people, you deserve what you get.  Or perhaps you'd rather have a canister of tear gas tossed into a mass of angry citizens? Or wait, I thought of another option - Shut Your Pie Hole and Go Home! Problem solved, the police will not need to use their shiny new toy (even though I think I would find it amusing to watch the all idiot, self-serving protesters squirm for a whi...

Torch Haters Yet another story of people who have a problem with something Olympic related. I want to scream at you! First people are protesting at every leg of the torch's run, now people are complaining that the torch run organizers are trying to avoid the protestors! Wow, Liberals, Bloq, NDP. I am so proud that you are associated with this fine, free country of ours. The Olympics are supposed to be a time when the world can come together peacefully, a time of good sportsmanship. And here we are, fighting with each other over which constituencies the torch should pass through. If I'd been planning this whole event, I would have purposely put the entire torch run far away from known protestors. I can just see the rest of the world watching the torch run on their local news, the joy of the Olympics being diminished by placards and screams from protestors. How ashamed our...

Gimme a break!" I read this on this morning, and I'm appalled. A young man was honoured with a dream come true, and protesters ruined his moment. What is wrong with you people! The Olympics are coming, and there's nothing you can do at this point. This example crossed the line of peaceful protest. How do you sleep at night knowing that a 17 year-old kid with cerebral palsy was forced to walk away from his dream (bless the people who were able to give him another chance) because you had to completely block his way. Good for you. I hope you're happy. And I hope you find it in yourselves to apologize to this young man. You crossed the line. So apologize, then SYPH and GO HOME!

Immigration Loans

An interesting article was brought across my path this week as the Minister of Foreign Relations and Banishment. am This article discusses transportation loans given to refugee's, and a whole group of people that are trying to stop the process! In the article, it states that 90% of refugees manage to repay the loan, and the government is quite lenient if you inform them that you are having difficulties paying it back. I'm sorry, but the mere fact that Canada allows you INTO the country should be a blessing! There are numerous countries in the world that wouldn't even consider allowing you to be a refugee in their nation, let alone give you a loan to get started! I am all for allowing refugees into the country, and loaning them the money to get here! But I am a firm believer in taking responsibility for your own life. I would see more use in starting more progra...

Go Home!!!

CBC News - British Columbia - Explosive residue on migrants' clothing I read this story, and find it stinking like political correctness. Wow. They found explosive residue. The ship's identity was deliberately concealed. One of the passengers has an outstanding arrest warrant for known ties to a terrorist group. Hmm....what are the odds that they "come in peace"? Really? Let the general Canadian population come to whatever Vancouver building they're being held at and decide. I'm pretty sure that it could be determined quite easily. As Minister of Foreign Affairs and Banishment, I say if you came here illegally and have questionable associates - GO HOME! There is no room for you here! We're looking for honest, hard-working people who do their homework and enter this country through the proper channels. (I think that says alot for someone's intentions, don't you??) The article didn't mention, but I would bet that there's a lang...

Glory, Hallelujah! Someone Did Something Right! Minister of Adhesive Affairs here. SInce we didn't account for someone actually getting something right, we have no ministry under whose jurisdiction this news would fall. So I've taken the liberty of claiming this one. Knowing many self-employed Canadians myself, I can barely contain my joy at this new proposition.  (See me dancing?)  I have known some who have been hired as "sub-contractors".  Which is a nice way of saying "You can work for my company, but I don't want to have to pay into EI for you.  Welcome aboard."  When said employer is done with their "sub-contractor" they lay them off and these people are then left without benefits - not that they got any with the company anyway - but they don't even have the luxury of taking the time to reorganise themselves before seeking new employment. For those of you who think Stephen Harper is off his rocker, try...

The H1N1 Panic

As the Minister of Media & Public Relations for SYPH and GH, I must address the H1N1 issue. On my way to work this morning, I was listening to a local news radio station. Every other story related to H1N1 - how the Harper government has apparently botched the vaccination process, how businesses will suffer because of the high numbers of employees staying home sick, how pandemic preparedness is different from pandemic readiness. It was depressing. I was about to turn off the radio when one listener called in to make this statement: "While the H1N1 vaccinations need to be administered to those at greatest risk, the media needs to shut up and stop creating panic amongst the masses". I couldn't agree more. While I am not disputing the reality of a serious disease, I am more than a little bothered by the way the media has blown this H1N1 thing WAY out of proportion. President Obama has declared a state of emergency in the United States because 1,000 people died o...


I'd like to first of all commend my fellow Ministers in their most recent posts (insert applause here). I love my country. Yet I am married to an American. Who loves his country. We are raising a child to love BOTH of his countries. I have received some criticism from my husband's family - that I couldn't possibly be as patriotic as them - they're Americans! Why is it that people from other countries do not see Canadians as patriotic? I absolutely LOVE my country! I love what Canada stands for, the values our great country was built upon, and yes, I even love the multiculturalism. Where else can my son learn 5 languages in a 10 block radius of his home? But ultimately, I love what Canada is. I speak english AND french. I like our coloured money. In fact, I like how we spell "coloured". I think Canadians are well educated in world trivia, geography, and history. I think we speak eloquently and have superior schools, hospitals, and farmers! If I were from a ...

Religious Freedom

Isn't it great that we live in a country that believes in freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion? Oh, wait. Freedom of religion? I think not. My observation has been that this applies to all religions except Christianity. During a recent layover in a Canadian airport, I watched a group of ten or twelve people who appeared to have originated in or around India. At the prescribed time, the leader motioned to the group, and each one unrolled a prayer mat and they proceeded to audibly practice their morning prayer ritual. There were a number of curious onlookers, but no one protested, and no airport official interfered. They completed their prayers in half an hour. Now let's consider another scenario. A group of ten or twelve Christians, waiting in a Canadian airport, take the opportunity to pray - out loud - for 30 minutes or so. Onlookers stop to watch, and snide comments are heard from the crowd. An airport official marches up to the group and i...

A Nation of Peace

I read this article on CTV news this morning: Apparently, We're the eighth most peaceful nation in the world. Really? I think we're building a reputation as sore losers, whiners, and a people who will protest pretty much anything just because we can. As the Minister of Correction and Dismemberment, I think it's time for us "too nice" Canadians to start standing up for ourselves. We're not "nice", we're sissies! (Well, except for maybe on the rink) Do you ever look at the pictures of protestors and think to yourself that the very same people who are protesting the Olympic torch look an awful lot like the ones who protested Charles and Camilla's visit? That's because they are! It's always the same people who aren't grateful for anything in this country. Let's protest our horrific health care! (Which is among the best ...

A Royal Resistance Haha! A story that applies pretty much directly to yours truly, the Minister of Adhesive Affairs. This is the part of the story where I come out and tell people to Shut Your Pie Hole! If you watch the Canadian news at all you will know that Prince Charles and Camilla are taking a brief tour of our fair nation. What is the issue with this? Frankly, I have no idea, but plenty enough people have found issue with it and can't seem to keep their big mouths shut... er... fingers still. I am appalled at the number of Canadians who take no pride at all in the heritage of their country. Whether you like Charles or not, he is next in line to the throne and intelligent comments like "Sorry Charles you will never be my King. :P" are what really make the world believe those rumours that Canadians are nice, smart people (did you catch the dripping sarcasm there, did you?) Sorry Swoopnhuck (handle of the p...