I just read an article on CBC.com that opens: "Candidates running for office in northern Saskatchewan's municipalities might soon have to reveal their criminal records to the public under a bill introduced by the government on Monday." See http://www.cbc.ca/canada/saskatchewan/story/2009/11/16/sask-crim-records.html.
Ya think?
I am actually speechless, which is not a common occurrence.
There was a day - I think - when Canadians looked to their government as an example of fairness, integrity, and a sense of do-the-right-thing-for-our-country. Granted, there always have been those politicians who are in it for the power, and perhaps looking for an avenue for some shady business dealings, but for the most part these are supposed to be men and women we look up to. People we trust.
But we have to draw the line somewhere.
I must admit that I got more than a little bothered when this article went on to say that a candidate with a criminal record would not be disqualified from running for office. Since when does someone with a criminal record even qualify for public office??? I get the whole "I've paid my debt to society" thing, but please tell me I'm not the only one who sees something wrong with this picture.
So now it appears that the good people of northern Saskatchewan may soon be entitled to see the criminal records of their candidates so that they can make a more informed decision when they vote.
It's about time Canadians speak up and stop this kind of nonsense. Let's be clear on what the requirements are to represent your community or your province or your country. And having a criminal record is not one of them.
Ya think?
I am actually speechless, which is not a common occurrence.
There was a day - I think - when Canadians looked to their government as an example of fairness, integrity, and a sense of do-the-right-thing-for-our-country. Granted, there always have been those politicians who are in it for the power, and perhaps looking for an avenue for some shady business dealings, but for the most part these are supposed to be men and women we look up to. People we trust.
But we have to draw the line somewhere.
I must admit that I got more than a little bothered when this article went on to say that a candidate with a criminal record would not be disqualified from running for office. Since when does someone with a criminal record even qualify for public office??? I get the whole "I've paid my debt to society" thing, but please tell me I'm not the only one who sees something wrong with this picture.
So now it appears that the good people of northern Saskatchewan may soon be entitled to see the criminal records of their candidates so that they can make a more informed decision when they vote.
It's about time Canadians speak up and stop this kind of nonsense. Let's be clear on what the requirements are to represent your community or your province or your country. And having a criminal record is not one of them.
I didn't think you were eligible for public office if you'd been convicted of any sort of crime. And you shouldn't be.