I tried to apply for a job once. I was told that since I didn't speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Punjabi, or a Filipino dialect, I need not apply. I wasn't going to be an "asset to the team." This job was in Canada. I am a fifth generation Canadian, and I can't apply for jobs in my own country because I speak our official languages. I've seen a massive increase in signs around my city that are written in a language I don't understand. I've been treated poorly in retail stores that were not meant for English speaking Caucasians to shop at.
I'm all for equality and diversity and fairness. I really am. I have no trouble with people coming to our country to have a better life. But why, why, why can these same people not take the time to learn the language and customs of their new country. I wouldn't dream of trying to move to China/India/France/Russia/Germany, etc without being able to passably speak their language. I wouldn't be opening a "Canadian" retail store where I refuse to speak to customer in the language of the country in which the store is located.
Has Canada become such a melting pot that multi-generation Canadian families are now minorities? I think it's sad. This is not the country my family came to with great hopes. Canadians have a reputation of being nice, but maybe we're being too nice. Time to take back our English and French speaking nation! Those who disagree - well, just shut your piehole and go home.
I'm all for equality and diversity and fairness. I really am. I have no trouble with people coming to our country to have a better life. But why, why, why can these same people not take the time to learn the language and customs of their new country. I wouldn't dream of trying to move to China/India/France/Russia/Germany, etc without being able to passably speak their language. I wouldn't be opening a "Canadian" retail store where I refuse to speak to customer in the language of the country in which the store is located.
Has Canada become such a melting pot that multi-generation Canadian families are now minorities? I think it's sad. This is not the country my family came to with great hopes. Canadians have a reputation of being nice, but maybe we're being too nice. Time to take back our English and French speaking nation! Those who disagree - well, just shut your piehole and go home.
I can't begin to express how emphatically I agree with this post. Speak our language(s), embrace our culture, and be all that is Canadian. Or, as you've said, shut your pie hole and go home.