CBC News - British Columbia - Explosive residue on migrants' clothing
I read this story, and find it stinking like political correctness. Wow. They found explosive residue. The ship's identity was deliberately concealed. One of the passengers has an outstanding arrest warrant for known ties to a terrorist group. Hmm....what are the odds that they "come in peace"? Really? Let the general Canadian population come to whatever Vancouver building they're being held at and decide. I'm pretty sure that it could be determined quite easily. As Minister of Foreign Affairs and Banishment, I say if you came here illegally and have questionable associates - GO HOME! There is no room for you here! We're looking for honest, hard-working people who do their homework and enter this country through the proper channels. (I think that says alot for someone's intentions, don't you??) The article didn't mention, but I would bet that there's a language barrier. I'm sorry (well, actually I'm not, but it's the Canadian thing to say) but it is not our country's fault that your country is in a war/poverty/oppression/whatever. Unfortunately, we Canadians are too nice to tell people this, so we've been welcoming anyone and everyone with open arms for years to the point where we don't even know what a Canadian is anymore. I remember being asked in school what I was - referring to whatever country my family came from. Being a fifth generation Canadian was such a minority that people didn't get it. So GO HOME, learn English or French, come to our country the right way, and then you can stay. Why should we treat you like you have rights any other way? If you've come to this country illegally, you've forfeited any rights you might have been entitled to. In my opinion. And if you disagree, well, just SYPH and GO HOME!
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