Haha! A story that applies pretty much directly to yours truly, the Minister of Adhesive Affairs. This is the part of the story where I come out and tell people to Shut Your Pie Hole!
If you watch the Canadian news at all you will know that Prince Charles and Camilla are taking a brief tour of our fair nation. What is the issue with this? Frankly, I have no idea, but plenty enough people have found issue with it and can't seem to keep their big mouths shut... er... fingers still. I am appalled at the number of Canadians who take no pride at all in the heritage of their country. Whether you like Charles or not, he is next in line to the throne and intelligent comments like "Sorry Charles you will never be my King. :P" are what really make the world believe those rumours that Canadians are nice, smart people (did you catch the dripping sarcasm there, did you?) Sorry Swoopnhuck (handle of the person who made that great comment), when our long-lived queen does pass on, Charles will take the throne and he will be your king - unless of course you decided to move away to a country not included in the commonweath, in which case the Minsiter of Foreign Relations and Banishment will be more than willing to assist you in your search for freedom. I believe there may be an opening for the position of Village Idiot somewhere in Tajikistan, you'd be a perfect candidate.
But all is not lost! Intelligent life is still out there to be found. A diamond in the rough, 2CentsChris said it so well, I'm going to borrow from him:
"Welcome your Royal Highness Prince Charles and your Grace, Duchess of Cornwall Camilla. These two people represent the beginnings of democracy and the free country we now enjoy. Free enough to state an opinion on whether or not we support the “British” Monarchy, whose ancestors had a hand in establishing what is now the Commonwealth of Nations.
Before there were parliaments, there was a royal council (advisors to the Monarch), and before that, dukes, lords and barons who in 1215 forced King John to sign the Magna Carta. This treaty limited royal powers, defined feudal obligations between the King and the barons, and guaranteed a number of rights. Even the USA has a memorial site recognizing the importance of how the Magna Carta was the first step towards modern democracy. Britain has had an elected parliament since the 1600’s – the first country in the world to have this form of democracy. After the Civil War in 1649, Charles I was executed and the monarchy briefly abolished. His son, Charles II returned from exile in 1660 and, amongst other things, was the one who signed the royal charter for the Hudson’s Bay Company. Today, we have progressed from that old system where only male landowners could vote to all Canadian Citizens over the age of 17 having the right to vote – too bad not enough take advantage of it. It has been a hard-fought battle, and we continue to progress – not always as fast as some of us would like, but I for one will take what we have and appreciate the history behind our often under-appreciated freedoms. So all you nay-sayers be grateful that Canada has strong ties to the British monarchy."
Thank you 2CentsChris for your enlightening response. My hat is off to you! And all of you who for some reason feel the need to protest our monarchy you can just Shut Your Pie Hole!
Haha! A story that applies pretty much directly to yours truly, the Minister of Adhesive Affairs. This is the part of the story where I come out and tell people to Shut Your Pie Hole!
If you watch the Canadian news at all you will know that Prince Charles and Camilla are taking a brief tour of our fair nation. What is the issue with this? Frankly, I have no idea, but plenty enough people have found issue with it and can't seem to keep their big mouths shut... er... fingers still. I am appalled at the number of Canadians who take no pride at all in the heritage of their country. Whether you like Charles or not, he is next in line to the throne and intelligent comments like "Sorry Charles you will never be my King. :P" are what really make the world believe those rumours that Canadians are nice, smart people (did you catch the dripping sarcasm there, did you?) Sorry Swoopnhuck (handle of the person who made that great comment), when our long-lived queen does pass on, Charles will take the throne and he will be your king - unless of course you decided to move away to a country not included in the commonweath, in which case the Minsiter of Foreign Relations and Banishment will be more than willing to assist you in your search for freedom. I believe there may be an opening for the position of Village Idiot somewhere in Tajikistan, you'd be a perfect candidate.
But all is not lost! Intelligent life is still out there to be found. A diamond in the rough, 2CentsChris said it so well, I'm going to borrow from him:
"Welcome your Royal Highness Prince Charles and your Grace, Duchess of Cornwall Camilla. These two people represent the beginnings of democracy and the free country we now enjoy. Free enough to state an opinion on whether or not we support the “British” Monarchy, whose ancestors had a hand in establishing what is now the Commonwealth of Nations.
Before there were parliaments, there was a royal council (advisors to the Monarch), and before that, dukes, lords and barons who in 1215 forced King John to sign the Magna Carta. This treaty limited royal powers, defined feudal obligations between the King and the barons, and guaranteed a number of rights. Even the USA has a memorial site recognizing the importance of how the Magna Carta was the first step towards modern democracy. Britain has had an elected parliament since the 1600’s – the first country in the world to have this form of democracy. After the Civil War in 1649, Charles I was executed and the monarchy briefly abolished. His son, Charles II returned from exile in 1660 and, amongst other things, was the one who signed the royal charter for the Hudson’s Bay Company. Today, we have progressed from that old system where only male landowners could vote to all Canadian Citizens over the age of 17 having the right to vote – too bad not enough take advantage of it. It has been a hard-fought battle, and we continue to progress – not always as fast as some of us would like, but I for one will take what we have and appreciate the history behind our often under-appreciated freedoms. So all you nay-sayers be grateful that Canada has strong ties to the British monarchy."
Thank you 2CentsChris for your enlightening response. My hat is off to you! And all of you who for some reason feel the need to protest our monarchy you can just Shut Your Pie Hole!
I agree wholeheartedly. We have British roots, Canada! I think we'd probably part of the great USA if it weren't for the royalty...