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Intelligent Protesters - Do they really exist?

I know that we've been going on and on about H1N1 and the Olympics, but since that's pretty much all that's in the news these days, there has been little choice.  (Help us out Canada and complain about something new so we can tell you what we really think about it.)  I was mighty pleased, though, when I read the following:

"I despise Campbell, but the money's been spent and the debt's incurred.

The only way we cut the debt is with a successful Olympics. They're not going to go away.

Wishing for failure is the stupidest, blindest, partisan politics imagineable. Failure will just cost the province more."

That's fine if you don't want the Olympics, but at least this person has accepted the inevitable with dignity.  However, I do wonder where the fuel for this comment came from as it was discovered under an article about the storms presently battering southern British Columbia...  (thinking... thinking...)  Perhaps some intelligence has been lost there, but hey, it made me happy.  And I thank "tapilot" for accepting the fact that the Olympics are not going away and that our province can indeed benefit from them!  My hat's off to you tapilot!


  1. Great comment! That's exactly how everyone should be thinking. At least complain with optimism!


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