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Showing posts from 2010

The Separation of Church and State... er... Football?

High School Player Flagged For Touchdown Nod to God It's been a while since our last entry and for that, I apologise. It has not been for lack of atrocities in the news, but more of a lack of time to comment on them all. This article hit me first thing this morning and I couldn't let it slide. Now, I'm not American, nor do I aspire to be, but when something like this happens so close to home, I can't help but be affected. I'm a football fan. I bleed green for my Riders. I for one like to see some action after a touchdown. Nothing ostentatious, but if a player wants to do a backflip after scoring, be my guest! Is that also unsportsmanlike conduct? What about a chest bump? Jumping up and encouraging the fans to make some noise? I question whether or not the ref would have made the same call had the player been Muslim, Buddhist or Sikh. What is unsportsmanlike about a guy giving honour where honour is due? Players given nods to their team mates, fans, families al...

English or French - take your pick

Canada has two official languages. Two. Period. English or French - take your pick. Not Mandarin or Cantonese, not Punjab, or German, or Spanish, or Russian. If you want to live here for any length of time, please learn and develop a working knowledge of at least one of our languages. And if you've chosen to live in western Canada, that language would be English. Today, a young family came into my place of business to ask for directions. No one in this family could speak enough English to make themselves understood, and it was only through catching the odd word and figuring out some gestures that I finally got what they were trying to say. These people were not tourists (if they had been, I would have sympathized with their plight). They were asking for the auto insurance business that used to occupy the space where my business now resides. This means they've been in Canada long enough to have a driver's license and an insured vehicle. And since they were carrying the tel...

Aah... The sweet smell of justification.

This is the proof in the pudding regarding our earlier post today referencing a request to respect protesters. My personal favourite is photo number 13, but I don't know what the Chaotic Insurrection Orchestra  has to do with G8 meetings. As for #12, not every protest is a reason to light a joint. I love that I don't even have to make a point.  These people have made it for me and on day one, no less. Thank you, protesters, thank you.

G8 - Ain't it great?

  Obama arrives for G8 I'm somewhat saddened by the fact that Obama's arrival in Toronto made front page news.  What about the other world leaders?  I know what other countries are being represented next week, but I don't know who has arrived.  I personally don't think Obama is that big of a deal. It's not really the article that got me going this morning.  It was the idiotic comment by someone who makes me ashamed to be Canadian.  I'm proud that these meeting are being hosted on Canadian soil, but for once, I wish there could be peace. StanJohnston wrote, " Since when has it become ok for Canada not to respect protesters or the idea that their are many valid opinions? We are becoming more and more like the US every day and it's a terrible thing for Canada to become." Okay to not respect protesters? You have got to be kidding me, right?  Respect protesters ?  The same protesters who created a situation so dangerous a disabled kid could...

It's about time for a little global recognition.

G-20 Nations Should Look to Canada for How to Build a Better Economy I can't even begin to describe how proud I am to be Canadian after reading this article.  Not to mention the fact that it was written by Americans. I was pleased to see Stephen Harper shown in a good light.  The gentlemen who wrote the article seem to have more respect for our Prime Minister than many Canadians. Despite the rantings of so many Canadians, it's been proven that Canada is indeed recovering faster than the majority of countries around the world. If you're not proud of that, you can shut your pie hole and go home.

I Don't Get It I don't get it. We have $1.8 billion to spend on prisons, but we're closing schools and decreasing days in the school year due to budget restraints. Isn't this how a vicious circle begins?

Wilfred Laurier 1907 Speech

--> I think this is is something that needs to be forwarded until every Canadian with a computer receives it. The year is 1907, one hundred and three years ago. -->   Wilfrid Laurier's ideas on Immigrants and being a Canadian in 1907. 'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes a Canadian and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet a Canadian, and nothing but a Canadian.  T here can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is a Canadian, but something else also, isn't a Canadian at all. We have room for but one flag, the Canadian flag. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and t...

When Morals Matter No Longer

Fla. Christian School Fires Teacher Over 'Fornication' Claims I graduated from a private Christian school and am forever grateful to my parents for shelling out the atrocious tuition costs for those four years of my life.  While "worldly" things still go on in a Christian school, they are not a blatant as in the public school system and yes, some things have a harsher penalty. Through my years in high school there were suspensions and expulsions.  Every student, upon starting high school, signed a contract saying they would refrain from certain exercises: drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking and fornicating (sex outside of marriage).  It was certainly no surprise that there were many students who chose to break that contract.  It was also no surprise when there were dire consequences for those acts.  Getting caught with drugs or alcohol would result in an immediate suspension.  Getting caught more than once often resulted in expulsion.  A girl getting ...

My words are not neccessary:

My Take: Ending 'don't ask, don't tell' would undermine religious liberty   Editor's Note : Tony Perkins is President of the Family Research Council and a Marine veteran. By Tony Perkins , Special to CNN Some people think allowing open homosexuality in the military means nothing more than opening a door that was previously closed. It means much more than that. It would mean simultaneously ushering out the back door anyone who disapproves of homosexual conduct, whether because of legitimate privacy and health concerns or because of moral or religious convictions. This outcome is almost inevitable, because pro-homosexual activists have made it clear that merely lifting the “ban” on openly homosexual military personnel will not satisfy them. The stand-alone bills that have been introduced to overturn the 1993 law, such as S. 3065, call explicitly for: Revision of all equal opportunity and human relations regulations, directives, and instruction...

YES! Your Album Sales WILL be Affected! Let me get something across to all you readers out there. If a Christian artist "comes out", their album sales are going to be affected, end of story. I have long been a fan of Jennifer Knapp. I remember seeing her in concert more than 10 years ago - she was on stage sitting on a bar stool just her and her guitar. It was incredible. She has an amazing voice, and is incredibly talented. Will I allow my son to listen to her music? No. The fact of the matter is... the words "lesbian" and "Christian" do not coincide. I'm not necessarily saying that homosexuals cannot be saved and cannot be Christians. This is not what I mean. But when someone out there is promoting themselves as a homosexual Christian artist, I'm not going to be a fan, nor will I allow it into my home. I imagine the majority of conservative Christians feel t...

Costco Cards Now Accepted as Official Identification!

Mentally disabled man flew with store card ID As a frequent long-distance flyer, I just don't understand how someone was allowed to board a plane with only a VISA and a Costco card as ID.  Really?  Nothing to verify his citizenship, real name, place of birth, address?  I've never flown anywhere without presenting at the very least my valid passport!  Apparently Doug Tiedeman isn't the only on in this situation operating at the mental capacity of a 12-year-old.  The difference is that Mr. Tiedeman cannot help his condition, the person who checked him in can. I suppose that now when someone asks me for a piece of ID, that I can present my Costco card.  It doesn't matter that the blurry, black and white picture on the back doesn't look a thing like me, the card has absolutely no personal information on it but my name and the only date on it is the date I got my initial membership.  Heck, I know people who have borrowed other people's Costco cards and h...

When Parents Don't Parent

Bullies force 5-year-old off school bus Less than a month ago, people across Canada donned their pink shirts to bring awareness to the growing issue of bullying.  Apparently making people aware of the issue does nothing at all to solve the issue. My heart goes out to little Ryan and his family.  I can't imagine what that family has already gone through with their boy, let alone have to deal with insensitive kids and their ignorant parents. The state of parents in our country these days is a topic that I've heard come up several times over the past couple of days and I can't help but agree with some of the commenters regarding this article. ottawamum said, " The Prairie South School Division should be ashamed of themselves. CBC should provide the names of the school principal, bus driver, board of directors for the school and the bullies themselves. They do not deserve privacy and certainly not the protection they refused to provide for little Ryan. The adults sh...

Three Cheers for Prohibition!

Banff booze banned for long weekend Banff, Yoho and Kootenay national parks have banned alcohol for the May long weekend! Anyone who has the audacity to open their pie holes over this one needs to shut your pie hole and go home.  If you can't have a good time on a long weekend without booze, you've got bigger issues at hand and should seek help rather than an ammendment to the ban. It's about time some people in our country started promoting a good time that does not include the consumption mind-altering drugs and drinks. Besides, isn't camping supposed to be a family kind of thing?  I'd personally find it difficult to have a good time with my family if the bone-heads at the next site over were too wasted to keep their party contained.  If you want to drink, stay at home or go to a bar.  Those are places where it's acceptable to indulge.  But camping?  Come on and grow up.  Let the families have a good time without the drunks ruining it.  ...


A Jesus Christ cartoon is in development at Comedy Central .  "JC is a playful take on religion and society with a sprinkle of dumb.”  This comment makes me wonder just how many Christians and biblical scholars are involved in the creation of this show.  My guess is a big, fat 0. I personally believe that Comedy Central has already gone too far.  I thought cartoons were supposed to be for kids.  Since when is animation R rated?  Apparently clean humour is no longer appreciated. While I appreciate good humour like any real Canadian, I take offense as a Christian when non-believers take all respect and honour away from my Saviour.  I have no doubts that God loves to laugh, the Bible speaks often of the joy of the Father.  I can only imagine Jesus laughing and joking around with his disciples, but to place God in the role of an apathetic, video-gaming father?  That's offensive.  That's disrespect. I'm all for promoting Christianity in...

A Proposition

After reading an article on the education of black kids in America, I got to thinking about the education on minorities in Canada - specifically aboriginals.  It is my understanding that anyone with a registered treaty number is entitled to a university education at any public post-secondary school in the country without paying a penny of tuition.  I wonder just how many people take advantage of this opportunity and how many people without a treaty number would give just about anything to gain such an advantage. My proposition is this:  for every registered aboriginal who does not take advantage of a free post-secondary education within a year of graduating high school, award a full-ride scholarship to a young person whose family is on welfare.  This could accomplish two things:  1) more aboriginals would take advantage of furthering their education and/or 2) more financially insecure families could send their young people to university. If everyone plays n...

Might as well flush now

National Day of Prayer goes on despite ruling "America was birthed in prayer and founded on the God of the Bible, on his biblical principles and on his moral values," Day of Prayer organizer Shirley Dobson said. Thank God for people who still have faith and morals!  God bless Shirley Dobson and Rev. Franklin Graham.  Even though the US Army rescinded its invitation to Rev. Graham, I am beyond overjoyed that he refused to back down or apologize for his comments against Islam. Why is it that Muslims can speak out against Christianity and it's call free speech, but when Christians speak out against Muslims, it's called hate speech? It saddens me that the President of the United States does not see the importance of participating in the National Day of Prayer.  Presidents before Obama took seriously counsel from various Christian leaders within the country.  I may not be American, but as Canadians, we feel strongy the effects of our southern neighbour. "In ...

How Do You Like Us Now?

So all you naysayers and protesters - how do you like them apples? The Olympic Games ended in Vancouver with a giant street party. Canada glowed golden and its citizens glowed red and white. The games were played, games were won and lost. No, it was not two weeks without incident, but what are we going to remember? We will remember the Georgian luger, Nodar Kumaritashvili, who died tragically that first day. We will remember the tears of Joannie Rochette and her glorious bronze medal win. We will see Sidney Crosby score that final goal for gold. Who cares if there wasn't quite enough snow? The games went on. Transit issues? Oh well, people still made their way downtown. That last arm of the caulrdon didn't lift? We're Canadian, we can make fun of our own mishaps. Our city, our province, our country came together to celebrate an historic event. And, if I do say so myself, did a dang good job of it, too! Stand up Canada, be proud! We've nothing...

A Message to the Guardian Newspaper from Canada I wish I had written the following in response to the article by Lawrence Donegan in the February 15th of the UK Guardian. This says it all: We never claimed to be perfect That means we've learned to be humble We say excuse me and I'm sorry as well as please and thanks Even when its not our fault we apologize Sure one arm of the torch didn't rise, But when the earthquake struck Haiti, Canadians raised their hands to say we'll help And yah, there is a fence around the torch But you can walk right up and shake hands with our prime minister and most famous Canadians We put Gretzky in the back of a pick up, in the rain, not surrounded by police and he was okay And by the way... The great one is Canadian and he wasn't complaining! We do have security at the games, of course, but most people don't even have a gun they have to leave at home The medals ARE under lock and ...

Oh, please . . .

Tiger Wood's Apology I know this isn't a piece of Canadiana, however, the "sport" of golf is near and dear to the hearts of many males in my family. This caught my attention. As it was supposed to. Splashed all over the home page of CNN's website today, I found articles, video clips and slide shows of  Tiger Woods' very public apology. In case you don't follow the sports news, Tiger is a bit of a golf phenom. But he's been a bad boy. His wife and kids took off when they found out he'd been involved in numerous extramarital affairs and who knows what else. Advertising endorsements dropped off as well. Tiger slipped out of the golf world and has spent the last several months digging himself out of a very deep hole. Now he comes on national television to apologize for his behavior. Honestly, who gives a rip? The guy plays a good game of golf and earns millions doing it. Good for him. We d...

Global Scam?

Global Warming in Last 15 Years Insignificant, U.K.'s Top Climate Scientist Admits   There you have it, folks. Another global scam. Enough said.

Vancouver Olympic Protest Turns Violent

Vancouver Protest Turns Violent This has gone beyond ridiculous. The first full day of the Vancouver Olympic Games saw protesters turning violent, vandalizing cars, businesses, and public property in the downtown area. What do they think their actions - and their shouted obscenities - are going to prove? The Games have begun and they're going to continue. I'm not even sure what these people are protesting. Whatever it is, they don't have the brains to organize a peaceful and respectful protest, which probably would have been far more effective in presenting their position.  They also don't have the guts to show their faces. Most of the protesters were dressed in black and wore masks. Of course, if I were participating in such a blatant display of idiocy, I wouldn't want anyone to recognize me either. I watched every minute of last night's Opening Ceremonies, full of national pride and with tears in my eyes.  Our great country of Canada was showcased so bea...


  A Burger is only a burger if McDonald's made it This has to go to the top of the list as the most ridiculous ever.  Apparently there is a rather large ego at the helm of the McDonald's company - either that or someone has a problem with insecurity.  They want to be the only restaurant allowed to use the term "hamburger" during the Olympic games in Vancouver, which leaves the First Nations groups to call their fast food bison sliders or bannockwiches. Oh please! We've seen this kind of thing happen time and again over the past few months, and it's getting to the point where you're afraid to say the word "Olympics" because someone might launch a law suit against you. McDonald's did not invent the hamburger.  They were not the first ones to use the word.  So home come they get to dictate what people call their hamburgers? I just shake my head. The guys at McDonald's need to shut their pie holes and just let us have fun.

Crime Pays

Ex-Hells Angel Gets Immunity and $3M It's a strange world we live in.  I find it difficult to process the fact that en ex-Hell's Angel - one who has admitted to murder - is being paid $3M to provide information to police.  And immunity?  Does this mean the guy can never be convicted of any crime?  With $3M in his pocket (he asked for $10M - the nerve), he can pretty much do whatever he wants. I understand that the law enforcement folks need intel to do their jobs in rounding up the bad guys, and I also understand that the most in-depth information is likely to come from an insider.  However. Three million of Canadian taxpayer's dollars have gone to a criminal - a murderer - who now has the means to perpetuate his criminal lifestyle.  Either that, or we've just set him up for a life of leisure in some tropical climate.  

The Aboriginal Sin

Russian Skaters' Aborigine Theme Causes Outcry It is my firm belief that any and every situation is now cause for an outcry.  You missed the bus - cry out - it's transit's fault for not knowing you intended on catching that bus!  The dog ran away - cry out - it's the SPCA's fault for not adopting out pets that love their owners enough!  You got a hangnail - cry out - it's skin care companies' fault for not warning that a lack of use of moisturizer can lead to hangnails!  Bad hair day - cry out!  Car won't start - cry out!  It's not your fault!  Nothing is ever your fault and it is your RIGHT to make a stink about it! In case you, reader, believe I'm serious, I'm not.  But, seriously, it takes some talent to keep coming up with new things to cause a ruckus over.  Most everything has already been outcried. After reading only the headline of the above article, I was fully prepared to shake a fist at the Russians, but after seeing the first...

Paying for your actions...

Scorned Mistress of Married Obama Adviser Posts Billboards Nationwide - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - Now, while I obviously don't condone adultery or having a secret mistress, I have to commend this woman.  After being in an almost decade long affair with a very public figure, she was dumped because the man decided to reconcile with his wife.  Of course, said man didn't want the ugly truth to come out, so the woman scorned took things into her own hands. Is there a more public way to announce your affair?  To show the world how you've been wronged?  Maybe the situation isn't ideal, but how differently would we all act if this were to be the consequence of our actions?  Do you think we'd be living a more upstanding life?  I'd think so.  Despite the words of acceptance that litter our vocabulary, we really have little sympathy for a man such as in this story.  I'm sure he's the talk around multiple water coo...

You have got to be kidding...

CBC News - Nfld. & Labrador - St. John's man fined for not driving car I don't know which part of this story is more idiotic. That the neighbours complained about a car parked in a driveway, or that the city actually fined the guy for it. Unbelievable. Yet another great example of your tax dollars at work. There's a new cell phone ban in place in BC while driving. I pass multiple people every day on my way to and from work who are happily chatting away on their phones. Do the police pull them over? Of course not. They're too busy looking, apparently, for things like cars parked in driveways! Is Newfoundland really that uneventful? I've never been (but plan to visit the east coast of our great nation sometime!!) and I can't imagine that this is the extent of their "crimes" and bylaw infractions. If it is, maybe I should consider relocating?  If that's all you have to complain about, maybe you should just SYPH.  If you're going...

A road not travelled

Disabled Vets Seeking to Sue Federal Government Today I will veer in a new direction.  I don't believe that I have yet to compose a post in which I actually agree with the people complaining about our government.  In this case, I do. This is not the first time where the mention of war veterans has entered the picture.  I'm all for supporting the people who fight for our country as well as the freedom of others.  These men and women often go beyond the call of duty and are true patriots in my book.  To enter a profession where active duty in a war zone is nearly a guarantee you get my stamp of approval. While the government certainly isn't to blame for 98% of the problems Canadians tends to blame it for, in this case, to deduct monetary awards from injured veterans is inappropriate and downright mean.  These are the people who should be most compensated by our government. If money is the issue here, surely there are other areas where costs could be c...

Safety or Insanity?

B.C. Court Affirms Injection Site's Right to Exist I am divided on this issue.  While I can't stand the thought of what illegal drugs have done to our society, I cannot deny that the idea of a safe place to use them has its merrits. For the record, I have never, do not now, nor will I ever support, promote or condone the use of illegal drugs.  I have lived my life 100% clean of all useage (and what has been inhaled second hand could not be helped - it was Amsterdam, after all). What I find most grevious in this situation is that there are communities that actually benefit from safe injection houses.  There seems to be a real need where junkies can go to shoot up without having to worry about becoming infected or worry about infecting others (though I can't imagine there are all that many who really care all that much).  The fact that Liz Evans is "so proud" of the B.C. court's ruling makes me questions her purpose and morals.  Proud that the provinci...

The Obliteration of All Things Sacred

Polygamist Leader Sues Government for Violating Rights I should no longer be surprised, but I am.  I find it difficult to grasp just how far our country's citizens have run from the morality our foundations were laid on.  I also have found it amazing just how long law enforcement has allowed this abomination to carry on and that these perverted law-breakers are not only allowed to continue their unlawful, disgusting behaviour, but are now fighting back against the government who has sought to bring their nefarious activities to justice. We, at SYPH and GH are proud supporters of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  I take pride in knowing that I can celebrate my freedom of speech and freedom of religion and I take offense at those who would seek to make a mockery of such a venerable text. I cannot seem to locate an appropriate expression to describe how I feel about criminals who aspire to use a document, which was crafted to empower the citizens of this co...


Obama Musical Set to Open in Germany I'm not usually one to double dip by posting twice in one day, but this one just jumped off my screen and slapped me in the face.  I am still astounded. Now would be a good time for Obama-lovers to exit.  Not that I don't think that he thinks he's a good man and a great president... but I just don't have the same thoughts toward him as he has toward himself.  Got it? It all seems a little mischevious to me (of course, the soundtrack to Sherlock Holmes presently tinkling out of minature speakers on my desk as I type adds to the intrigue of the whole thing). Devious maybe?  No, that's not the right word... Demented? Deranged? Preposterous? Maniacal?  Perhaps all of the above.  Perhaps none of the above because, simply stated, there are no words. How can I put into words what someone else has put into song (of course, many of those lyrics were borrowed from whomever wrote President Obama's campaign speeches...)? I...

A Wasted Opportunity Another day, another complaint. Tragedy has struck a severely underdeveloped nation and what do Canadians do?  Complain!  Today is a day I'd like to shout from the rooftops, "shut your pie hole!" over and over in every city in our country.  Never have we known disaster of the magnitude of that which has struck Haiti, nor are we likely to. I am appalled at the number of comments stating that Canada should save the tax dollars for in-country improvements.  Don't send help.  Keep the money.  Let other nations take care of it.  We always do it.  Shut your pie hole! Until you have spent time in a third world country, getting to know its citizens, living with them, eating with them, sharing with them, how dare you have the audacity to say we should deny them assistance. Let us for a moment play make-believe.  Let's say that "the big one" hit Vancouver....

For that important event coming to Vancouver sometime in the near future...

More Businesses Test Olympic Trademark Rules Wouldn't want to get sued by VANOC for unauthorized use of a trademark.... Now, I haven't really paid all that much attention to other host countries, but I have a difficult time imagining that their Olympic (I hope I don't get in trouble for using that word) committees have come down so hard on so many businesses.  Apparently no one else on the planet is allowed to reference the 2010 games in Vancouver, except official sponsors and those with authorisation from VANOC. Poor Olympia Pizza in Vancouver.  They've been around for more than 20 years and VANOC has not been making things easy for them, claiming unauthorised use of the Olympic trademark.  It apparently doesn't matter that the pizza joint began serving locals years before the city even hatched the idea of being an Olympic host city. Of course local businesses are going to do everything that they can to make bank during the games! And so they should!  They de...

A feeling of general disgruntedness.

In the wake of recent global happenings, I have noticed a trend.  I've been searching for "SYPH-able" articles and I have read hundreds of comments on various reports.  It seems that we, as Canadians, can find a way to make anything and everything a political issue, gender issue, race issue or even intelligence issue. Not EVERYTHING is Stephen Harper's fault (again, let's remember who voted him in). Somehow, sexual orientation winds its way in as well.  I don't care if you are gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered - not EVERYTHING is an open forum for you to spout ideals regarding your lifestyle (the Calgary Stampede has nothing do do with sexual orientation). Race is an issue and will always be an issue as long as people are different colours - not EVERYONE is out to get you because you are red, yellow, black or white (we are all discriminated against at some time or another in our lifetimes because of our skin colour - let's remember th...

Spare the rod, spoil the child...

Spanked Children May Grow Up to Be Happier, More Successful Imagine this: a biblical principle that actually works! Spanking works.  I am walking proof.  While every child has their moments, if a parent uses a spanking the way it should be used, it's effective. Here is my definition of a proper spanking: the child is old enough to recognise that they have done wrong (never spank a kid who doesn't understand what they've done isn't right), never spank in anger (if you're mad, don't even think about disciplining your child, cool down before you deal with it), explain to your child why they are getting the swat (don't just spank if the kid doesn't know why), don't wait too long to spank (kids forget - discipline while the issue is still relevant) above all, let your child know you love them and that they are receiving the discipline because of that, not because you're mad about something they did or didn't do. This is how spanking worked w...